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Canadian Dollar Plummets to Multi-Year Low Amid Economic Uncertainty

Canadian Loonie Falls Below 70 U.S. Cents as Investors Seek Safe Havens

What’s Open & Closed Over the Holidays in B.C

Vancouver, BC, Canada (WNEWS) – As Christmas approaches, it’s important to be aware of the

Letter from CEO: Happy New Year and All the Best in 2025

From the Desk of Eric Boland, Editor and CEO of WNews Dear Readers, As we

Former President Jimmy Carter passes Away at 100

Plains, Georgia, USA (WNEWS) – Former U.S. President #JimmyCarter, a dedicated humanitarian and the nation’s

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B.C. investment fraud victim thinks he was able to recover his $735K thanks to similar Manitoba case

A British Columbia man who put more than $700,000 of his money into what he thought would be a safe

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Police don riot gear as N.L. Liberals make 2nd attempt at budget amid protests

It's deja vu at Confederation Building in St. John's on Thursday morning, as police and protesters have shown up in

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Canada faces shortage of measles vaccines amid rise in cases, demand

Canada is facing a shortage of measles vaccines amid a rise in cases across the country and around the world,

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After an undefeated season, Canada’s winningest university hockey coach looks ahead to what’s next

It's been quite a year for P.E.I.-born Gardiner MacDougall and the University of New Brunswick Reds men's hockey team. UNB wrapped up

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How harnessing methane from landfills could help Canada fight climate change

As the black SUV crawls slowly along a gravel road, in the passenger seat Nadia Tarakki taps her finger on

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$34B Trans Mountain expansion pipeline prepares for 1st shipments before Canada Day

The odyssey of developing and building the Trans Mountain expansion project in Western Canada is finally nearing the finishing line as

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Trudeau's Jamaica vacation cost far more than same trip the year before

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's controversial vacation to Jamaica last Christmas cost Canadian taxpayers far more than his trip to the

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Stripped of dignity, $22 left after rent — stories emerge as Ontario sued for halting basic income pilot

Tracey Crosson says she ate healthier, slept better and had more energy when she was receiving basic income payments from the Ontario

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