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Trudeau rules out negotiating with protesters, says military deployment 'not in the cards'

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is giving no sign he's willing to negotiate with the protesters occupying Ottawa who are demanding either an

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Intelligence analysts warned of 'foreign adversaries' influence on convoy protest

As police moved to clear the convoy protest that paralyzed downtown Ottawa last winter, a confidential police intelligence report warned

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Businesses weigh options as convoy set to roll into Ottawa

While some Ottawa businesses are wondering whether to shut their doors this weekend as a convoy of truckers makes its way to

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How anti-vaccine mandate protests pose a risk for Doug Ford

Ontario's hands-on premier has taken a hands-off approach to the week-long protest that has snarled downtown Ottawa, the second-largest city

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Federal government 'lost confidence' in Ottawa police, Lucki told OPP in texts released at convoy inquiry

RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki sent the Ontario Provincial Police a text message a week after anti-COVID-19 mandate protesters arrived in

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NDP's Jagmeet Singh denounces trucker convoy, disagrees with brother-in-law's donation to the cause

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh today condemned a convoy of truckers and others travelling to Ottawa to protest a federal rule

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Canadian actor Ryan Reynolds in line for Ottawa street name

Film star Ryan Reynolds could soon have his name in lights in the nation's capital — at least when cars drive down the

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Canada-U.S. border agents try to stem flow of migrants in face of unforgiving weather, vast distances

A bleak panorama of frozen, windblown prairie extends in every direction behind Katy Siemer as she points north, past a

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