It took 40 years for these men to be cleared of a murder they didn't commit

WNews 1 Min Read

For half a lifetime, Robert Mailman dreamed about a single moment.

But when it finally came, inside a Saint John courtroom on Jan. 4, 2024, he felt robbed.

“When they said ‘not guilty,’ I never got the feeling that I really wanted, because I know it’s overshadowed by cancer, that I’m dying,” said Mailman. “I’m down to nothing. I’m a skeleton.”

Mailman, who at 76 has only been given a few months to live, wasn’t alone that day. Sitting beside him was Walter Gillespie, his closest friend.

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Gillespie, 80, says even though Mailman is dying, he had enough energy

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Reading: It took 40 years for these men to be cleared of a murder they didn't commit

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