After Mulroney, being a 'green' PM got a lot tougher

WNews 1 Min Read

When Brian Mulroney was given the title of Canada’s “greenest prime minister” in 2006 — awarded by an expert panel convened by Corporate Knights magazine — it might have seemed like faint praise. In fact, one of the people on the panel — Jim Fulton, executive director of the David Suzuki Foundation at the time and a former NDP MP — said none of the nation’s prime ministers to that point deserved the honour.

Mulroney won five of the 12 votes cast. Pierre Trudeau won three votes and four other prime ministers (R.B. Bennett, Jean Chretien, Wildfrid Laurier and John A. Macdonald) received a single

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Reading: After Mulroney, being a 'green' PM got a lot tougher

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