ArriveCan contractor rejects auditor general report, blames government's poor record-keeping

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One of the partners at GC Strategies is rebutting an auditor general’s report that suggests his firm earned $19 million for the ArriveCan application, arguing that the government’s poor record-keeping inflated that estimate.

Kristian Firth is appearing today before the House government operations committee. It’s the first time he’s made public comments since Auditor General Karen Hogan released her report on ArriveCan last month.

Hogan’s report estimated the total cost of the ArriveCan app at just under $60 million and said the government’s over-reliance on outside contractors contributed to the project’s ballooning costs.

GC Strategies was the contractor that received the most money for the

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Reading: ArriveCan contractor rejects auditor general report, blames government's poor record-keeping

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