She could have died from meningitis. Now this student wants more people to get vaccinated

WNews 1 Min Read

When varsity athlete Megan Plamondon started feeling sick last November, she thought she’d pushed herself too hard on a two-hour run.

The student at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ont., started feeling tired toward the end of her Sunday long run with her triathlon teammates, but that wasn’t unusual — it was 17 kilometres, after all. She lay down to rest afterward, like she often would, but then she started feeling nauseated, and her head hurt.

By Sunday night, Plamondon, 19, was still in bed with a cracking headache, stiff neck, and sensitivity to light. By the next morning, after a restless, painful night, she says she knew something was very

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Reading: She could have died from meningitis. Now this student wants more people to get vaccinated

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